Part five.

🟠 You Are My Pack.
5️⃣ Primal social connections are diverse because we interact not only with our partners.
🐾 We are all beasts, but different ones.
I’ve come across cases where Cats don’t accept Dogs, but unlike regular cats and dogs, we simply don’t interact with each other.
🐾 Usually, all connections can be divided into several circles.
The inner circle includes a partner or partners. It also consists of those I would call "my pack." These are people I want to protect, those who are very close to me, but unlike partners, they don’t evoke arousal or sexual attraction.
🐾 The close circle consists of those who are pleasant to be around, with whom I can play if I’m in the mood, but they don’t belong to my pack. With them, tactile interactions are enjoyable, and their company is comforting.
🐾 The third, outer circle.
This includes those who either don’t evoke emotions or cause negative ones. They may be primals too, but they are not mine at all.
🐾 Do primals feel jealousy? Yes.
Because first and foremost, we are human, and common behavior patterns still apply. But I have experienced “primal jealousy”—when you logically understand that everything is fine, but the beast inside is howling. It’s best to talk to your partner about such feelings because words won’t calm the beast, and over time, it will just retreat inside.
🐾 Honesty is crucial for a primal because they sense lies.
And once deception is felt, the connection begins to break.
🐾 Primal partnerships run deep.
You can feel your partner’s state, mood, hidden emotions, and even their unspoken grievances. The ability to communicate is no longer just a skill—it becomes a necessity.
🟠 Being in a relationship with a primal is something extraordinary.
It’s deep, warm, and real. It’s full of sensations, life, and unexpected turns. But those who have felt their inner beast, who have experienced such a partnership, will never willingly give it up.